Learn how to practice a mindful meditation using mantras

What about Mantras?

If you follow the wellness world, you probably heard about “mantras”. A mantra is a positive phrase or statement used as part of meditation practice. While this is an ancient Buddhist and Hindu tradition, today mantra practice is very popular as a mindfulness practice. 

Using mantras as part of meditation helps us to be more present in the moment, as our bodies and minds relax in a positive way. This sense of relaxation leads to lower stress and anxiety. 

How can you start a mantra meditation?

Find a quiet and comfortable seat. Most meditations practice are done in a seated position, but what really matters is that you are comfy to hold that position for a few minutes. 

Take some time to connect to your breath. Inhale and exhale, follow your breath for a few minutes. Acknowledge any tension in your body, breath deeply, and allow that part of your body to relax. 

Chant your mantra. Select a phrase or statement that aligns with your beliefs. A positive affirmation is a wonderful way to start, but you can always choose a more spiritual mantra that is associated with your faith. Repeat the phrase for a couple of minutes. You can do as many mantras as you like as part of your meditation practice. 

Here are some of my favorite mantras:

“Everything will be all right”

Breath, let go and trust that everything will unfold just as you need it. Be present in the moment knowing that everything will be all right

“I choose love over fear”

In every moment in your life, you have the choice to come from love or fear. Choose love instead of fear, trust in the universe, and let love be your guide.

“I am worthy”

Love and accept yourself. Let in love, let in forgiveness, let in joy.

“I’m here in the present moment”

Happiness can be found when you are present in this moment.

Enjoy your mantra meditation!