About me

Hi, I'm Ana Maria

I was born and raised in a lovely family in Ecuador. I grew eating mostly homemade food, but looking back now, I can say that I suffered from emotional eating as a teenager, which caused me to gain some weight and feel self-conscious and insecure. I embarked on many restricted diets that at some point worked, but not in the healthiest way. 

My wellness transformation happened in a very organic way. As I practiced yoga and meditation, I felt more connected to my body and started to pay attention to how certain foods affected my health. As part of my journey, my family got involved, we started making small changes, and we got to a point where we eat very little sugar, no processed foods, more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Of course, we still celebrate birthdays with cake and ice cream, and my kids love to enjoy a good burger! It’s all about balance.

Along the ride, we noticed the connection between food and other aspects of our lives.  In middle and high school, my kids were very involved in sports, and they started to see the impact that food had on their performance as athletes. My daughter has suffered eczema since she was two, and now she knows that certain foods and stress cause flare-ups.  In this process, my husband lost 20 pounds that he has maintained for two years now, and he’s aware of what triggers his eating habits. My family inspired me to become a Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. 

When you work with me, I desire to help you create and maintain a healthier and happier life for you and your family. I’ll support you through your health journey as you learn ways to make better food choices to honor, respect, and love your body, and at the same time, guide your loved ones to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

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